Conga Line

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Using spinach jumping whilst in a conga line

A Conga Line is a coordinated line of players (sometimes shaped like a sine wave) attached to a leader who is high on the High Jumper buff from activated spinach. Glitch's "Follow" functionality is used to form the line.


  • The Conga Leader shouts out to all nearby (in Local Chat), to 'Follow' him/her for a giant conga line (players can follow the leader by either clicking them and selecting follow, or clicking their name in Chat and selecting follow).
  • Once a healthy bunch has started following the leader, they can walk and jump around to show off your mad conga skills
    • For extra effect, the leader can levitate and activate spinach, then jump continuously!


External Links

  • "Best Conga Line Ever" thread on Glitch forums: [1]