Gettin' Crafty

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Gettin' Crafty
Task: Complete quest
iMG: 500 iMG
Favor: +50 with Alph
Energy: +200 Energy
Currants: +325 Currant

Gettin' Crafty is the quest given after learning the Tinkering IV skill.

     Use your trusty Tinkertool, to craft up a Frying Pan, a Hatchet, and a Watering Can. Then sell them to the right vendors to replenish their stock.


The tools will require a total of 2 Plain Metal Ingots and 2 Tin Ingots, along with 1 Barnacle Talc, 5 Plain Bubbles, and 2 Planks. Selling a broken or used tool will also work.

The "right" vendors are the ones who sell those items: