The Gold Hatted Bouncing High Jumping Memory Place

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High jumping place.png

The goal of this early quest, is to reach the top of the high tree. The player must use spinach's High Jumper buff to jump from branch to branch, by 'Activating' the spinach.

A small collection of quoins await the player at the top. After the quest has been completed, the player can exit the area by jumping off the tree.


  • Activate the spinach then jump.
  • Take advantage of the frequently respawning spinach on most of the tree's branches by collecting it for use later.


  • This quest was replaced by the High Jumper quest.
  • Upon completing the quest, the Magic Rock remembers the following poem:
Then wear the gold hat, if that will move her;
    if you can bounce high, bounce for her too,
Till she cry "Lover, gold-hatted, high-bouncing lover,
    I must have you!"

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