Your Papers

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Your Papers
Description Here is a full yet incomplete set of all the papers a person might require in order that they may prove, justify or otherwise provide evidence that their papers are in order.
Max stack size 10
Favor generated when donated 10
Street price 100 currants
Vendor Bureaucratic Hall

Your Papers can be obtained from the Bureaucratic Hall in Gregarious Grange. To get them, you must have learnt the Bureaucratic Arts I skill and have the Card-Carrying Qualification by 'completing' the papers (see Actions).

Papers are needed to ride the Subway and to own a home.

An Alpha tester created this step-by-step guide to getting your papers:



  • Drops this item on the ground.


  • Allows you to give this item to another player that is on your current street.


  • Complete your papers, so they may be used.

External links

  • Glitch dictionary on Your Papers [1]
  • Auctions for Your Papers [2]