Marylpole Mount Pig Conspiracy
Throughout Alpha testing, Marylpole Mount has been a haven for gatherings and events. Among them, one of the most memorable ones here was the Nude Party.
The Marylpole Mount Pig Conspiracy happened on the 22nd January 2011 and was started by tester Five O' Nine, who bought many Piggies into Marylpole Mount. Other testers saw this and started to help out by bringing more and more, and soon enough, Marylpole Mount was thriving with Piggies, much like a Pork Fountain.
News spread in the Help Channel and soon enough, many players came to see the miracle. There were Conga Lines and devs started joining. Tester Hburger started playing the rare SB-1 Musicblock to those who wanted to listen. However, the frolic turned to panic as the developers started to slaughter each pig individually. Players protested - see bottom left image - "it doesn't hurt the piggies", the devs said and yet they carried on regardless. Within 3 minutes, only 15 piggies were left.
To this day, the legend of the Marylpole Mount Pig Conspiracy lives on - join this group - and Marylpole Mount is still a haven for pig activity.