The High Jumper

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The High Jumper is an early Quest to help you lean the Jump mechanics, as well as introduce you to Spinach and the High Jumper buff.

     Get to the top of the tree in your Magic Rock's memory-place, activating whatever you need along the way.


50 iMG and 100 currants + Spinach and a collection of quoins at the top of the tree


  • You must use spinach to activate the High Jumper buff to jump from branch to branch.
  • Activate the spinach by selecting the spinach in your inventory and selecting the activate command.
  • Jump is made easier by using the space bar and arrow keys.
  • Take advantage of the frequently respawning spinach on most of the tree's branches by collecting it for use later.
  • After the quest has been completed, the player can exit the area by jumping off the tree.


This quest was formerly named The Gold Hatted Bouncing High Jumping Memory Place after the bonus street it transported you to.

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