Very, Very Stinky Cheese

From Glitch Forever
Revision as of 23:02, 5 February 2011 by Eglantine (talk | contribs) (add verb "prod", fix up amt of mood gained from sniffing, add description from official dictionary)
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Very, Very Stinky Cheese
Description This is the very, very stinkiest cheese you've ever seen, or it would be if you could see through the thick veil of tears it's inducing. You can't make this any stinkier. It wouldn't be fair to everyone else.
Max stack size 10
Favor generated when donated 7
Made by Ageing Very Stinky Cheese
Street price 66 currants
Vendor Not for sale
When consumed
Energy gained Depends what you do with it!

Very, Very Stinky Cheese can be made by Ageing Very Stinky Cheese.



  • You gain 66 energy. "You ate a Very, Very Stinky Cheese. In addition to dazzling your friends with your intestinal fortitude, you also reap the very, very stinky cheese's bounteous nutritional benefits".


  • You gain 50 mood and lose 50 energy. "You sniffed a Very, Very Stinky Cheese. At first sniff, this is one of the worst olfactory experiences of your life. On your second sniff, you experience an epiphany, which you forget almost immediately".


  • You lose 50 mood. "You prodded a Very, Very Stinky Cheese. Not a good idea. It's going to take a while for that finger-stink to wear off."


  • Drops this item on the ground.


  • Allows you to give this item to another player that is on your current street.

External links

  • Glitch dictionary on Very, Very Stinky Cheese [1]
  • Auctions for Very, Very Stinky Cheese [2]