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" Feats are the adventures, exploits and accomplishments of Ancient Heroes who saved the world from danger, discovered the truths of our existence, explored new lands, invented new technologies or created new delights for all to enjoy. The recreation of these Feats by contemporary Glitchen gives vigor to the Giants and allows them to remember lands once lost to history, create new activities, unlock new upgrades and achievements and generally enrich the world. You can participate in the recreation of these Feats by contributing while a Feat is active. Look for notifications on your home page, in the calendar and in the game itself. "

Feats are Ur-wide events for Glitchen; they last one game-week (24 hours), and have a target goal that everyone can participate in. Rewards are granted based on whether the group goal is met; there are additional rewards for the most active participants. (While the feat is in progress, you can see your own contribution in a small bubble attached to the "Current Goal" counter.)

Feats in Glitch occurred in years 24 and 25; they were used as ways to introduce new regions or new game features.

List of Past Feats

The Meditation of Groddlocritus (Year 24)

(Fever 35th to 40th)

    And so it was that on the 36th of Fever, Year 24, the Glitchen of Ur came together and re-created Groddlocritus' amazing feat of 11,113 minutes of meditation — which, as every school-Glitch knows, lead to the discovery of Imagination. The Feat completion rewards are detailed in the forums.

Goal: Meditate for many minutes.

Levels: Minimum - 11,113; Final Total - 24,971

Legend of the Feat

In the mists, in the unconsciousness, in the time of no-self, with everything on the edge of coming-to-be but nothing at all coming into being, Groddlocritus sat.

Each moment that passed, his mind became clearer — but it was so very muddled to begin with that many, many, many moments had to pass before he had the first inkling that his thoughts were his own.

Breathing in and breathing out, his perception keened and his intuition clarified. Minutes, then hours, then days. A musing. A figment. A fancy, a notion, a dream … Finally: he Imagined!

World Changes as a result of completing this feat: The introduction of quoin shards (allowing multiple Glitchen to share the benefits of a single quoin), and the regions Haoma and Kloro. Glitch page for this feat.

Mihceal, Blow that Conch (Year 24)

(Remember 14th to 19th)

    And so it was that the many Glitchen of Ur blew and played and then blew and also played and basically did the conch thing over and over and over and over … Participants shared a pool of 500,000 iMG, 1,000,000 mood and 54,358 favor with Grendaline. Top contributors received a piece of an ancient artifact. The recreation of this feat unlocked the region Firozi.

Goal: Play the Conch.

Levels: Minimum - 27,179; Final Total - 45,753

The Legend

Mihceal, nephew of Esquibeth, third of his name, ninth in line as the Duke of Firozi, was a handsome boy and well-loved by all. But he was also a little bit annoying.

When his famous aunt returned from her last pilgrimage, she let him hold the conch she took as an artifact … and that seemed to be a mistake.

Mihceal played the conch for everyone he saw! And then he moved over so that he saw other people and played it for them as well. And he kept doing that, over and over, until he had played the conch for 27,179 different people.

But what no-one knew was that the song he played was what allowed the Giants to remember so many places for so long.

In the millennia since then, his home region of Firozi has been forgotten by the Giants. But legend has it that if we all play the conch enough times for enough other people, Firozi will be remembered once more.

World Changes as a result of this completing this feat: The appearance of the Firozi region.

Glitch page for this feat.

Feats of the Pentyahtewan Assembly Epic (Year 25)

Each time a disturbance causes the minds of the Eleven Giants to drift apart, the world they imagine when they come back together is somewhat different than it was before. Some "glitches" are to be expected.

The coming-together of Giant imaginations is a time of creation, renewal and discovery. The Penyahtewan Assembly was no exception.

The Penyahtewan Assembly followed the last pilgrimage of Esquibeth as Glitchen from across the seas and skies and islands (and glaciers, deserts, mountains, plains, valleys, forests, hollows, hills, taigas, tundras and every other type of place) came together in the new land of Ur to explore, meet one another, and, gingerly, see how things worked now …

Hispikulus's Amazing Ramble

(Bruise 9th to 13th)

    And so it was that the many Glitchen of the present time duly honored Hispikulus's Amazing Ramble, exploring the many streets of Ur and collected a boatload of Qurazy Quoins in the process.

Goal: Collect Qurazy Quoins

Goal Levels: Minimum - 13,331 qq; Bonus - 131,311 qq; SuperMega - 503,131 qq.

Accomplished: 138,704 qurazy quoins collected

The Legend Oh, Hispikulus, that rambunctious scamp! How he loved to run and hide, exploring everywhere. He did not last long in the crowds of the Penyahtewan Assembly, before he was off exploring Ur. Indeed, he rambled to every location across the wide expanses of Ur.

Miraculously, he did not grow weary from his wandering. Instead, each step only increased his vigor and each leap sproinged him further. As he charted newly-rearranged lands, both familiar places and those brand new to him seemed to call out "Hispikulus! Hispikulus! Oh, we love you, Hispikulus! We loooooooove you."

Later in life, Hispikulus was diagnosed with the syndrome of manifold manias that now bears his name: Hispikuluian Amblyopia. He also suffered from an "over-attachment" to no-no powder. But, still…

Glitch page for this feat.

Deaths & Reminiscences

(Bruise 14th to 19th)

    And so it was that the many Glitchen of Ur mourned and celebrated and (slowly) walked through the streets of Naraka and then mourned and celebrated even more until justice was done to the memory of The Penyahtewan Assembly's great reminiscing.

Feat description during the event:

    Mourn or Celebrate the lives of as many Glitchen at as many Graves as you can. Also, help out your fellows by dying a few times yourself, so they may mourn or celebrate at your gravestone.

Goal: Mourn or celebrate the graves of others.

Goal Levels: Minimum - 9,109; Bonus - 23,003; Super mega - 54,319.

Accomplished: 54,785 graves mourned or celebrated

The Legend: At the Assembly, all of Glitchdom shed a tear and raised a glass to those who were not remembered by the Giants once everything came together again. It was an orgy of mourning, a sad promenade of celebration … and it made very many drink tickets.

Glitch page for this feat.

The Call to Feast

(Bruise 20th to 25th)

    The Assembly members were able to hum and pace and sing and sway all their not-yet-imagined and already-forgotten friends & loved ones to the attention of the Giants. And as each entered the Giants' consciousness, they became real and joined in the feast, the frolic and The Game Itself.
    As they did at the Penyahtewan Assembly, so you may do now: invite as many friends to play Glitch as you can. Each invitation will both enliven the world, bring pleasure to the newly initiated and, of course, increase your contribution to The Call to Feast. (Invites can be sent from your "add friends" page.

Goal: Invite friends to play Glitch.

Goal Levels: minimum - 10,243; bonus - ??; super mega - ??

Goal Not Met: 3,058 / 10,243 Invites


The Legend The Assembly members were able to hum and pace and sing and sway all their not-yet-imagined and already-forgotten friends & loved ones to the attention of the Giants. And as each entered the Giants consciousness, they became real and joined in the feast, the frolic and The Game Itself.

As The Game grew, each enlightened each, and all amused all, till that sublime communion ennobled us all in the glory of Ur.

Glitch page for this feat.

Sparkla's Shine on the Giants

(Bruise 26th to 31st)

    Sparkla was elderly when she ensured her name would be known throughout history, but she was not frail. She was determined to shine a light inside the minds of the Giants and her ambition was realized with each swing of her trusty Fancy Pick.
    Recreate the remarkable accomplishment of Sparkla who, at the time of The Penyahtewan Assembly, managed to donate 1,234,577 chunks of sparkly to the shrines across Ur. Each chunk you donate to a shrine advances us all towards the goal of recreating "Sparkla's Shine on the Giants".

Goal: Donate Chunks of Sparkly Rock to the shrines of Ur.

Goal Levels: minimum - 1,234,577; bonus - 11,111,117; super mega - 33,333,331

Accomplished: 9,434,634 chunks of sparkly donated

The Legend Sparkla was elderly when she ensured her name would be known throughout history, but she was not frail. She was determined to shine a light inside the minds of the Giants and her ambition was realized with each swing of her trusty Fancy Pick.

You see, before Sparkla, the rocks that we now call "Sparkly" were called "Beanfarters' Ore" and, as such, did not attract much of a following. Indeed, no-one knew that they were rich in the shiny element — no-one even knew that there was a shiny element. Until Sparkla came along.

While the Assembly members gathered to discuss the various motions before the various councils and debate the "serious" questions of the day, Sparkla's simple desire was to express her gratitude to the Giants for the newly restored world, following Esquibeth's Last Pilgrimage.

Because she had never heard them called Beanfarters' Ore, she could more clearly see the true nature of the sparkly rocks that abounded in the newly arranged world of Ur and could see the shine inside of them.

And so she alone, despite her advanced years, managed to mine and donate an astounding 1,234,577 chunks of sparkly rock to shrines all over the world. And that is why, today, the special little rock is known as "Sparkly".

Glitch page for this feat.

Questing and Contesting

(Bruise 32nd to 37th)

    Those gathered for The Penyahtewan Assembly had many and varied skills and this gathering was an excellent time for showing off. They ran, they jumped, they reasoned and they solved like no other time.
    In honor of the activities which ceremonially closed The Penyahtewan Assembly, complete as many quests as you can. Normal quests and "reminisced" quests count alike; each one advances us toward our noble goal just the same.

Goal: Complete Quests.

Goal Levels: minimum - 17,191; bonus - 33,301; super mega - 57,751

Accomplished: 49,672 quests completed

The Legend Those gathered for The Penyahtewan Assembly had many and varied skills and this gathering was an excellent time for showing off. They ran, they jumped, they reasoned and they solved like no other time.

There was Butska the strongman, Gwendolyn the nimble, Percival the quick-of-mind and an unnamed Priestess of Tii whose sacred numinations underwrote the decision making of a thousand-and-nine lesser champions. And there were many more, besides.

At the end of the Assembly, after having welcomed both old friends and new, they decided to have an extended closing ceremony and perform a myriad of quests for one another.

Each took turns astounding and goading-on the others (though in between times, during the completion of the more prosaic tasks, they mostly took turns occupying one another's glazed-over field of vision).

By the time it was over, there were rocks hewn and boards cut and platforms leapt and beds made and routes mapped and supper-on-the-table again for everyone.

Glitch page for this feat.

The Incantations of Absurdity

Make up Feat for Failure of The Call to Feast (Bruise 38th to 43rd)

    After the rambling exploration, the reminiscing & redemption, the calling (or not) to feast, the sparkling & the shining and all the various contesting, the many Glitchen of Ur did gradually start to wander off, often muttering as they went. "This Game," they said — by which of course, they meant, by metaphorical extension, the lives they were leading, the world they inhabited, the rules by which they acted, the whole thing, all together — "is absolutely preposterous."

"I agree wholeheartedly!" another would chime in.

But there was always that nagging feeling, someone lagging behind, who'd eventually pipe up "Yet, I kind of like it."

We all kind of like it. Kind of.

The Legend Goal: For 1 point in a location one would say, "This game is absolutely preposterous." Followed by a second player for 2 points: "I agree wholeheartedly!" Then ended by a 3rd player with the phrase, "Yet, I kind of like it."

Goal Levels: minimum - 10,007; bonus - 49,999; super mega - 333,331

Accomplished: 335,934 Incantation points

Unlocked: Ormonos, Jal, Lida locations, a pair of quests Join the Club (feat. “Pintura Prosa”) and Color Unblocking, Giant costumes, Steampunk, and Flapper outfits in the wardrobe.

Glitch page for this feat.

An Abstrixian Aside

A Fine How-Do-You-Do

(Fever 26th to 31st)

    And so it was the many Glitchen of Ur said hi by the thousands, in thousands of places and a better-greeted world we were for it.

The Legend The tip of the hat, the nod of the head, the wave of the hand, the warm smile, the simple bow, the outstretched palm, the welcoming glance and even the gentle skip: all good & fine ways of saying "how do you do?"

Abstrixia's simple pleasure in this simple act was so pure and so complete that it began causing spontaneous visual manifestations of every "hi" she performed — a butterfly, a rocketship, a waving hand, a flower — these hi signs chased their way to the recipient's heart and gladdened their mood.

And these "hi signs," it turned out, were contagious: soon, across the vast reaches of Ur, Glitchen of all sorts could exchange their signs and come away the better for it.

Goal: Using h or 5, send off your hi sign to as many different glitchens as you can.

Goal Levels: minimum - 31,121; bonus - 109,001; super mega - 303,307

Accomplished: 173,731 hi signs received

Glitch page for this Feat.

The Good Neighbor

(Fever 33rd to 38th)

    And so it was that thousands of Glitchen ventured to the very edges of the world, pushing beyond Urthly bounds to meet, visit, and bestow gifts upon one another in the spirit of Abstrixia.

The Legend

Abstrixia knew how nice it was to receive visitors, especially for those new to the world. So, she did a lot of visiting — hither and yon, over hill and over dale, to and fro, and all that. She visited in the morning and she visited in the evening and she left nice little housewarming presents for everyone.

To honor the joy she brought across the world, we too shall go a-visitin' and a-gift-leavin'. And since the visiting stones give priority to those who have had the fewest visitors, we'll use those to find new people to visit.

Goal: Visit other's home streets via a Visiting Rock or other method. 1 points for just visiting, 2 points for leaving a gift with their butler.

Goal Levels: minimum - 24,203; bonus 177,787; super mega - 666,667

Accomplished: 528,368 visitation points

Glitch page for this Feat.

… And Ask Nothing in Return

(Fever 40th to 45th)

    And so the many Glitchen of Ur pet and pet and watered and watered and fed and fed and massaged and massaged and on and on and, lo, it was good!

The Legend

Abstrixia did not see the plants and the animals of the land merely as things which could offer her grain or meat or eggs or spice. No & verily, she did not look at life as an opportunity for her to make a gain on her own account. Abstrixia's gift was to see the beings of the land as fellow travelers to whose well-being she could make a contribution.

Where she went, she watered. And she pet. And massaged, and sang to, and sprinkled with helpful powder. And where she trod was there an increase in abundance, in vigor, in richness and in warmth. And it was good.

Goal: Pet, Water, Feed, Massage piggies, butterflies and trees around Ur but do NOT nibble, milk or harvest.

Goal Levels: minimum - 37,337; bonus 373,371; super mega - 3,173,371

Accomplished: 2,154,100 giving actions

Unlocked: Butlers able to receive and send hi signs, Hi sign leaderboards near the calendar, Vantalu and Nottis. Ice scraping available at Nottis. Ability to make sno cones, including the rainbow sno cone. "An Autumn’s Day” and “An Old Fashioned B&E" quests, SDB price search and catchable salmon in Jal

Glitch page for this Feat.

The Lucky Streak

(Septa 8th to 13th)

    It came and went in a flash! Just like that, eyes wide and hearts open, the Glitchen of Ur surpassed even Hispikulus' streaking skills and shared their many parts with the world.

The Legend In the early days of the Second Era, before the rise of the Church of Alph and the discord which was not resolved until Esquibeth of Inari's famous heroics, the naked Glitch was not an uncommon sight.

Indeed, it was well known that a good streak was essential to having a gay old time. And one lil' Glitch had a gayer, older time than most, despite the fact that he was still just a baby. That's right: Hispikulus!

Now most babies, when they go, go naked. But Hispikulus, due to his speed and determination, was a far more able streaker than most. There was one remarkably lucky streak he made which not only took him halfway across the world but also resulted in 17 straight cubimal boxes from gameshow tickets: now that's what's known as the Lucky Streak.

Goal: Get Nekkid (Remove all wardrobe clothing items) and run through as many streets as possible

Goal Levels: minimum - 25,523; bonus 123,323; super mega - 277,787

Accomplished: 348,781 locations streaked

Unlocked: Social scraping bonus ice chunks when scraping with another player. Quick travel through new street Asslandia (later changed to Shim Shiri). Added new Achievements for hi signs: The Daily Hi-Skipper, Social Antisocialist, Marathon Maverick, Long-Distance Lone Wolf and Endurance Misanthrope. New wardrobe outfit: Traincoats. Increased stack sizes of herb and pumpkin seeds to 50. Added Cool As Ice upgrade.

Glitch page for this Feat.

The End is Neigh

Tottly's Toys

(Widdershins 31st to 36th)

    How fun! How delightful! How joyous! How playful!

And so the Glitchen of Ur took a full week to treasure toys as Tottly did, and Ur rewarded their dedicated play richly with ancient treasure and the most rare of all musicblocks.

The Legend Tottly truly treasured toys. While others toiled away on tasks such as tincturing and tending, Tottly spent his days on his toes, travelling the world with as many toys as he could carry. Wherever Tottly travelled, a party was sure to follow. Cubimals would be raced, dice would be rolled, fortunes would be discovered.

Tottly loved toys so much, in fact, that he could not bear the thought that there might be any Glitchen who had yet to experience a toy. He filled his pack to the point of overflowing and set out to play a game, throw a party, or share an emotion with every single Glitchen in Ur.

Goal: https://www.glitchthegame.com/forum/general/29742/ Play with toys: Race Cubimals, Give Bear kisses, high fives and moon, roll dice, join a party]

Goal Levels: minimum - 55,579; bonus - 255,253; super mega - 775,531

Accomplished: 1,002,361 playful moments

Unlocked: ?

Glitch page for this Feat.

Heebo's Happy Accident

(Bruise 17th to 22nd)

    Exercise your mastery of Heebo Gronx's fortuitous discovery and discover all animals anew. Squeeze chickens; massage, milk, and sing to butterflies; pet, nibble, and feed piggies; catch and release salmen; hug, flatter, pinch, insult, and play music blocks for crabs; feed caterpillars, piglets, and chicks until they grow into adults; brush foxes; feed sloths and batterflies; and, finally, pet the heli kitties.

The Legend It is only by the most fortunate of happy accidents that the Glitchen and animals of Ur live together so harmoniously. Once, long ago, animals and Glitchen simply co-existed, always aware of the other but never interacting.

This changed the day that Heebo Gronx, third cousin twice-removed of Esquibeth's great-great-great grandson Merriman, absentmindedly placed his hand upon a nearby piggy and elicited a quiet yet unmistakable oink of glee.

He tentatively petted that piggy again, and then, bolstered by confidence, petted it some more. The piggy wriggled happily, and Heebo was pretty sure he even saw the piggy smile. Heebo suddenly knew what he needed to do: it was up to him to foster mutual understanding and love between the Glitchen and animals.

And this is how Heebo Gronx, third cousin twice-removed of Esquibeth's great-great-great grandson Merriman, came to spend the rest of his life roaming Ur with the animals. Heebo learned everything that Glitchen now take for granted with their animal friends; in fact, it is from Heebo's original diaries that all Glitchen now learn about Animal Kinship, Husbandry, Fox Brushing, and Herdkeeping.

Goal: Interact with animals

Goal Levels: minimum - 7,577; bonus - 73,999; super mega - 1,333,101

Accomplished: 1,362,968 animals discovered

Unlocked: ?

Glitch page for this Feat.

The First Glimmer of the Giants' Awakening

(Bruise 41st to 46th)

    And so it was that the many Glitchen of Ur once again did one of the most preposterous things ever in the whole history of games (and in the whole history of everything, for that matter). We love you.

The Legened Glitchen all over Ur reported sightings of the Forehorseman, who was riding from street to street and shouting "The end is neigh!" to all who would listen. He had foreseen that the Giants, while still dreaming, were beginning to stir, and that the dream would end when the Giants awoke.

While they were saddened by this turn of events, the Glitchen were determined to enjoy the dream to its fullest while the Giants remained asleep.

They traversed all of Ur, scraping, mining, petting, massaging, trading, donating, harvesting, tending, meditating, imbibing, splanking, hi-ing, quaffing, drinking, eating, sniffing, poking, admiring, slathering, scooping, smelting, repairing, and, of course, grinding the whole time. And as they traveled, they spoke to one another in an ancient series of incantations.

"This Game," they said, in the manner they had said many times before, "is absolutely preposterous."

Echoing the sentiments of all, another would speak up to say, "I agree wholeheartedly!"

"And yet," a third would say, "I will really miss it."

Goal: Speak the three phrases with other Glitchen

Goal Levels: minimum - 8,783; bonus - 37,781; super mega - 169,769

Accomplished: 170,613 incantations

Glitch page for this Feat.