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A quoin is a floating object you can grab to get a small bonus (mood, energy, imagination, currants, favor or time).
Quoins are collected by walking in front of them so there is no need to interact with them and there are no actions to perform with them. Once a quoin is collected it will disappear for a length of time before reappearing and being collectible again. Quoins can be found hovering in most areas of the game.
The locations of quoins are fixed, not random. If you see an energy quoin in a particular location, then you know that location will always have that quoin. If you visit that location later and the quoin is not there, it means that someone else has picked it up recently.
Quoin Types
Currant Quoins give you some money. Energy Quoins boost your energy. Favor Quoins give you favor with all giants. Favor quoins are fairly rare. Mood Quoins push up your mood. Imagination Quoins give you some imagination. Qurazy Quoins are special quoins appearing only for you. Time Quoins shave a minute amount of time from skill learning. Time quoins are the most rare of quoins.
Quoin Limit
There is a default daily limit on how many Quoins you can collect: the limit is 100 quoins per game-day. You can extend the limit up to 150 quoins per game-day by buying Quoin Limit Upgrade Cards. You can also temporarily, that is, to the end of the current game-day, extend the limit by 50 quoins by quaffing an Elixir of Avarice; this will also work if you had bought the 150 Quoin Limit upgrade.
You can check how close you are to your daily limit by clicking on the clock in the upper right of the Game Screen.
Qurazy Quoins do not count towards the quoin limit, neither do quoins found in the various Ticket to... locations.
Quoin Value
The value you get for all quoins, except for qurazy quoins, depends on your Quoin Multiplier (qurazy quoin value depends on your level). The value for quoins is your current Quoin Multiplier rounded to the nearest integer: the value of your multiplier can be found on the Upgrades page on your Profile page. Multiplier Upgrade Cards can be bought to increase the multiplier by 0.2, by 0.5 and by 1.0.
Respawn Time
After a quoin is collected it disappears temporarily. After a certain length of time the quoin will reappear. For normal quoins, the respawn time is determined by the type of quoin. Favor quoins and time quoins have varying respawn timers that are not always predictable based on the type and value of the quoin.
Please note that respawn times can be set individually, so not all quoins will have these respawn times. Also, high yield quoins almost always have longer respawn times.
Quoin Sharding
If you are standing near a quoin when someone else collects it, you'll also receive a small fraction (a shard) of that quoin's bonus. This is called sharding and it appears as a small lightning bolt from the quoin to your character.
When a lot of players get together to collect quoins, it's sometimes called a "sharding party." Places like Balzare or Haoma were especially popular for this in Glitch.
High Yield Quoins
Quoins in a select few locations have a higher yield than regular quoins from 2 to at least 50 times the base value of a quoin. The value is rounded to the nearest integer after multiplying by the high yield amount. For example, at level 60 the base value is 28.6 so normal quoins are worth 29. However, a double value quoin would be worth 28.6 * 2 = 57.2 rounded to 57, not 29 * 2 = 58.
The value of a high quoins can vary each time they spawn. For example, you may collect a quoin in the Ancestral Lands that is worth 7 times the base amount. The next time you return to that spot and collect the same quoin, it may be worth 18 times the base amount.
Usually these high yield quoins have a longer respawn time than other quoins, some as long as 30 minutes. Each high yield quoin has its own respawn timer.
High Yield Quoins can be found all over Ur, but notably in the Ancestral Lands (where all quoins are high yield), and Balzare and Roobrik (where most quoins are 2-6x high yield, with a few 20x).
- Jonna Jinx: An iMG quoin on top of the rocky area over the left sign post.
- Tamota Trill: Favor quoin at left.
- Canary Send: One of the currant quoins in the three to the left of the Community Machine Room. (One of the few higher yield quoins on a moderate 5 minute respawn.)
- Kaavin Kit: An iMG quoin high in the air to the right of the far-right tree.
- Vuos Bosca: An iMG quoin in the tree to the right of the shrine to Grendaline.
Chakra Phool
- Amerran Huddles: An iMG quoin near the right hand signpost.
- Inari Deeps: Two iMG quoins and a mood quoin at the bottom right.
- Kitkaa Carom: A favor quoin over the left of the two bridges; an iMG quoin on the ladder to the right of the bridges.
- Kymi Abyss: Favor and other quoins in top right.
- Livo Farce: A mood quoin between the two ladders on the upper left, and a bunch of mood and energy quoins in the upper bit.
- Loimi Linger: An iMG, an energy and a mood quoin on the bridge to the upper left. Two favor quoins in upper center.
- Ratin Jot Jog: An iMG, an energy and a mood quoin on the bridge near the left signpost.
- Saani Shim: A favor quoin on the rounded thing above the mailbox.
- Siuruan Untold: An iMG quoin in lower right.
- Vasko Shift: Some quoins, including a favor one, on top of the ladder to the right.
Groddle Heights
- Darnefree Air: Two energy quoins between two raised ledges on the right.
- Pinhigh Prose: One energy quoin to the left of Tii's shrine.
- Smallend High: Three energy quoins on the right (10 minute respawn).
- Vicar's Peak: Several mood quoins and a favor quoin; possibly other types as well. (Note: this is a seam street, entered from Thornfad Layers.)
Groddle Forest
- Adanac: An iMG quion in the tree behind the right signpost.
- Cranbury Coppice: An iMG quoin in the tree to the left of the shrine.
- Ferncaster End: iMG and Currants quoins on the right side of the second ladder tree from the left (at the top).
- Groddle Forest Junction: An iMG quoin in the very top of the trees that's behind the subway station on
- Northwest Passage: Two iMG quoins to the left of the row of trees on the lower level.
Groddle Meadow
- Archimedes Acres: Time quoin on a rock along with two normal-yield quoins.
- Bonebottle Sands: An iMG quoin on the far left side of the street, over the first tree's two left branches.
- Fanfoot Flare: An iMG quoin to the left of the shrine.
- Greenvern Mend: iMG quoin in rightmost tree.
- Langden Abbey: An iMG quoin on the far left side of the street, above a normal-yield energy quoin.
- Martleby Hare: Several quoins of different types. (Note: this is a seam street entered from Rookthills Lay.)
- Otterlane: An energy quoin to the right of the vines below the Zille shrine.
- Prestnash Thrash: An iMG quoin somewhat left of the center of the street, to the left of the big trees with a fallen log behind them. There is also an energy quoin underneath the Hardware Vendor.
Ilmenskie Caverns
- Level 2 East: iMG quoins near right-hand street sign and just to the right of the first platform on the right.
- Level 3 West: Energy quoin on the platform second from the right.
- The Drop: Various quoins here are high-yield.
Ilmenskie Deeps
- Ajaya Bliss: iMG quoins in various places.
- Baby Steppes: iMG, mood, energy and currant quoins on top of the house in the center of the street.
- East Spice: An iMG quoin directly above the second tree, high in the air. You need spinach or a well-timed triple-jump to reach it. Another iMG quoin in the thicket at the entrance (this one has a 10 minute respawn).
- Guillermo Gamera Way: Most quoins here are high-yield.
- Flipside: Almost all quoins here are high-yield.
- Kala Close: Quoins if you jump up behind the big roundy plant thing at the far right on top of the third ledge.
- Kalix Follows: iMG quoin over the skinny swamp root at the bridge.
- Luiro Run: Over the plant atop the signpost are an iMG, an energy and a mood quoin. There is a favor quoin to the far left, on top of the ledges, and a currant quoin over the second tree to the left.
- Oulanka End: An iMG quoin to the right of the signpost, and a currant quoin at the center over the bridge.
- Svarta Swale: Mood quoin at upper left if you jump off the top ledges.
- Tuntsa Coze: A favor quoin on the right side, on top of the double ledge, and a currant quoin near the top-right of the tree in that same part of the street.
- Uskela Passage: IMG quoin at center left.
- Robenaa Range: A currant quoin to the left of the Moraba Plains sign post.
- Ponghal Pleats: Favor quoin to the right as you jump off a ridge.
- Arju Podi: An iMG quoin on the lowest ridge with the peat bog.
- Goli Grabs: An iMG quoin high to the right of the Shrine to Lem.
- Gopra Byle: Favor quoin at center left over one of those fat things you can stand on.
- Kelba Vallu: Favor quoin at top right.
- Ladag Mach: An iMG quoin over the barnacle to the left of the Shrine to Tii.
- Senna Karup: Time quoin at upper right.
- Tokali Kola: Favor quoin on central stair.
Shimla Mirch
- Marga Mooch: Favor quoin on top of a swamp root.
- Kalp Clips: An iMG quoin on top of the rocky area to the right (need levitation or spinach to get there).
- Konkan Carom: An iMG quoin on top of the rocky area over the left sign post.
- Thiruvan Thrive: A currant quoin behind the cut down tree near the left sign post (5 minute respawn).
- Cebarkul: A mood and energy quoin on the big yellow island in the middle of the street, at the top. Another mood quoin on the lower, green island to its left.
- Oktyabrya: A currant quoin in mid air, on the right side of the long vine in the middle, near the top. Time and favor quoins on the island to the vine's left, and an iMG quoin on the smaller island to that island's left.
Avoiding Quoins
Because there is a limit on how many quoins you can collect a day, you may wish to avoid certain quoins to increase the number of a different type that you can collect. For example, if your mood is consistently high, you may with to avoid mood quoins in favor of collecting more currant quoins.
There are a number of things to keep in mind when choosing which quoins to collect:
- 'Most importantly': If you do not consistently collect up to your quoin limit a day, then there is no reason to avoid any quoins
- Currants can always be converted into energy by purchasing food from a Produce Vendor, and can usually be converted into energy at a more favorable rate by purchasing food at auction
- iMG quoins are affected by mood so they may not be worth collecting if your mood is currently low
- If you want favor with any giant, favor quoins are much more valuable than any other quoin
Quoin Type | Typical Respawn Time |
Currants | 40 seconds |
Energy | 3 minutes |
Mood | 4 minutes |